
I got up for a 7:30 am annual physical today. I didn’t even know they HAD appointments that early. I tried to get one at a more reasonable hour but it was a difference of almost a month for physicals. I figured I should just suck it up and go… so I did, and I totally and completely deserve cookies for it. However the cookies will have to wait as I still need to go back to get my blood tests and an x-ray to see if my hand arthritis is showing up yet or not.

Scooby Doo and KISS together at last. 

Supporting Friends With Depression

Ryan Macklin on Power Obsolescence – I think this is a good thing to remember when you’re making something bigger than yourself. I mean, that’s what fiction really is. We can’t be there with the reader. They have to experience the story without us. That’s a feature, not a bug. It’s not all about us as soon as those words are released.

Short Stories read in 2015 Roundup So Far

Rating System

I thought I was a little further ahead than this, but apparently I’ve read 175 stories so far during 2015. The rating breakdown for them is:

* – 0

** – 7

*** – 88

**** -74

***** – 3

I’ve seen a couple markets I read increase in quality over the last year and I’ve also cut out any markets that were consistently giving me 2 star stories or lower. 3 stars is a “good” story. 4 stars is a “great” story, and 5 is something that touched me. It just happens that all 3 of my 5 star stories are available online so I will link to them so you can read them.

Heart of A Tree – Pam Wallace

Makeisha In Time – Rachel K. Jones (who may be MY favorite newish to me writer)

Thirteen Incantations – Desirina Boskovich (this story made me cry so hard)

Links For The Day:

Thinking About Death Secret to Happiness? (I’m not sure I agree with this the way it is written, I think that you have to be accepting of your own inevitable demise too and not have cyclical thought patterns. If you can’t NOT think about death that isn’t very helpful either.)

Afraid to Die In Games (fascinating essay about how failure = death can mess with one’s head)

What Happens When You Die? (and this concludes the unplanned death trilogy of links)

Millennial Hobo Culture  (I have many complicated thoughts on this. I’m sympathetic and think it’s great that people have found new ways to transmit cultural knowledge at the fringes of society… but there are a lot of complicated problems with that fringe, both because of society and within the people who dwell in these fringes. This is probably a good indication I should delve into working out my thoughts more clearly in fiction.)

Norway first country to turn of FM entirely (O_o I just… FEELS!!! How are we supposed to have automated FM stations in post-apocalyptic stories?! What will happen with FM technology 100 years in the future? Outdated doesn’t mean useless, and if it isn’t used by mainstream how can it be used by others?)

Pew Pew ISS Lasers!  

Rayguns, spaceships, and selfie-sticks (guest post by Andrea Phillips)

Sunday Gardening Hangover


Ow. I ache all over and have a low-grade headache. It’s pretty close to a mild hangover… but I didn’t drink. I’m genuinely not sure how to feel about this. I mean we got A LOT of stuff done outside… but isn’t everything. So I have that “Yeah I hurt cause I got a lot of work done” glow mixed with “But there’s still so much to do” guilt. Stupid brain, why can’t you just be happy about things?

When we moved into this house there were a bunch of things that came with it that were closer to the garbage end of things (though we did in fact require that they took the elk bones out of the creepy back basement room). One of these was a rusted out wheelbarrow that sorta kinda still worked a little. This wheelbarrow does in fact not work at all as it is mostly rusted out, doesn’t have a working wheel, and is missing one wooden handle. It occurred to me the other day that we’d totally wrecked a small tarp moving blackberry vines and I could actually repurpose the torn and ratty tarp as a bottom for this wheelbarrow to turn it into a planter. So that is one of the very last things I did yesterday before I admitted the yard had beaten me yet again.

40 Years of Nunavut History and Culture in photographs

Robot given $100 a week in bitcoin and set loose on Darknet to buy things that were then mailed to exhibition. 

Headstone Mystery

Gardening Lad

We’ve hired a Gardening Lad. He’s a sprightly lad who texts when he has time on the weekends to come do yard work. When the Lad comes to work we also have to work in the yard for the entire time that he’s here. I mean it’s kind of a thing. We’d like to think that we’d work just as hard as if the Lad wasn’t here… but it’s not true. The Lad is young enough to have lots of energy and work hard at the task he is given. We are not. We are the sort of old and out of shape that looks for excuses to sit down and take a rest which stretches into a break. While the Lad is working we push ourselves a little harder than we would.

So I feel like I got my ass kicked. But it was just gardening and it’s all my own fault.

Anyway links:


About Books



Historical Mystery




So much for seeing how long I could blog every day without skipping one. Oh well. It’s not the end of the world. I just didn’t have a lot to say. I must find my own balance in all things including balance.

My friend Nicole and I went out for lunch and thrift store shopping today. As always we looked a lot more than we bought. It is always nice to get out and spend time just talking about nothing in particular and looking at neat things.

This weekend we’ve got a lot of yard and house stuff planned. My brother Chris is coming down to live with us through summer next weekend, so we’ve got to get his room set up. Plus with the nice weather we’ve been having everything has been growing like gang busters and it’s time to cut things back and get other things in the ground.

Well, on the plus side I have twice as many links for you today:

Modern Horror Tales

How I Work: Warren Ellis

Artificial Leaf and more on Artificial Photosynthesis

Afrofuturistic rapper Sammus (And yes there are video game and astronaut references galore)

250 year old sex toy pulled out of Polish Toilet 

The weirdest thing I found while searching for stuff for work that seems incredibly dirty but isn’t: Cucumber Straighteners 

Raccoon climbs sky crane to take a dump on the machine deck

Way worse than accidentally ending up with an ex-goldfish

Egg Boats (This recipe sounds delicious)

Daniel José Older essay “What’s Like the Craziest Shit You’ve Ever Seen” 

Nautilus Crew gets video of Sperm Whale underwater. 

Winchester Mystery House is going to start having boozy sleepovers

Super neat archaeological excavation in Singapore 





So Far So Good

So I peeked at Twitter… and decided I could deal with it later. That’s a positive sign. I hope I can keep it that way.

Calories As Important as Nutrients (involving SNAP benefits challenge) – I’m glad someone is pointing this out. High calorie food was massively important to me when I was living on a very low budget (and now I wonder why I didn’t apply for food assistance cause I could have used it) because I not only worked an on-my-feet job, but I spent my days off doing manual labor to get extra money or pay my rent (I had a labor for rent agreement with my landlord at the time). I needed a lot more calories than I do in my current life and I was also more bone-weary tired than I am these days. I have many choice words for people who judge what people on food assistance eat.

Chin Science 

Female chimps use tools for hunting more than males. 

I never find anything this interesting fixing my toilet (I don’t think he ever got his toilet either)

The US’s 1960s era plans for invading Cuba – O_O …it’s like every conspiracy theory ever.

Dark Matter Being… Not-Dark 

This is worth a watch all the way through

3d movie rewires man’s brain to see 3 dimensions – This is really neat

Cause you need a cat video. 

Links for April 14


Aging of the Brain

Studying Evil

NASA GoPro Spacewalk footage (This is really long but so very very cool)

Watson Made A Cookbook (I welcome our robot overlords and invite them to take their place in my kitchen where I request the construction of a sandwich)

Wanna See a Manhole Cover Blow Sky high? (Of course you do. Watch the video. Also the interviewee should get hired as a reporter cause he’s better at it than 90% of people on TV)

Troll Hunter (soon to be an app near you)

No Twitter – Day 14


Well, this is it. Last day. I’m looking forward to talking to a bunch of people and catching up on stuff… but at the same time I’m not exactly looking forward to Twitter itself. Plus I know it is generally bad form to favorite/retweet a bunch of stuff from the last two weeks all at once. It just feels creepy when someone does it to you especially if you don’t know them. So I have to keep that in mind and be careful how much backtracking I do. I also know I need to find some kind of program rather than looking at the website directly so I can use lists to limit what I’m looking at and that’s not the sort of thing I’m likely to be able to figure out first thing in the morning before work. I’m going to try to ease myself back into the flow a little at a time rather than plunging waist-deep in the surf, so don’t be surprised if you don’t see me on Twitter right away.

So what have I learned? Well, I’d say the biggest thing I’ve learned is that I like blogging again. I stopped doing it when it started feeling like a chore and I’m sure that will happen again, but for now I’d like to keep up a daily or near-daily habit and not lock myself into “important” entries. The easier it is for me to rattle one off the more useful it is to me overall. It’s also been a personal indication that it has taken me this long to recover from a depression relapse I had mid 2012. Man, that’s pretty unsettling. 2+ years to recover from what didn’t feel like anywhere near the bottom. Ugh, that’s a really good reason to be proactive about my overall health and not get complacent because I’m doing good right now. I’m still resentful as hell that I have to be, and I’m sure I’ll screw something up along the way, but I probably needed the reminder.

I also learned that it isn’t Twitter sucking away all my writing time. I don’t really have more or less time than I did before. My mind is clearer and I am more aware of when I engage in tasks to mentally distract myself away from “work”, but I didn’t really get more done. Being away from Twitter didn’t make me more likely to sit my ass down and write words, it just changed how I spent the time when I wasn’t. I still need to schedule writing time and enforce it. The mental discipline to do this isn’t being “used up” anywhere, I just don’t do it. I also have a lot of other responsibilities that require my time and that’s OK.

At about Day 10 stuff shifted. Less people were reaching out to me, and I needed less social interaction. I’m not sure why. It seems kind of interesting, but I don’t really have enough information to poke at it further. Might be worth looking into related research. Could be interesting to explore in a space travel story or something.

I am generally happier than I would have said prior to my break. Before this, I’d have said that the ratio of positive to negative information generally balanced out, but now I’m not so sure. I’m also more aware that a lot of retweeting of negative events seems to be triggered by a wish to alleviate the retweeter’s own suffering at reading the information themselves and thus passing it on alleviates some of their own feelings of helplessness because propagating the information is at least “doing” something.  I’m also aware that doing so can and does actually cause change in some situations… there’s just a lot of guilt and helplessness wrapped up in retweeting of negative events. Not sure what if anything I will do with this realization.

I’m really glad I did this. I don’t know if it will change how and why I do things, but it was exactly what I needed to do at this point in time.

No Twitter – Day 13


A little over 15 years ago ICQ malfunctioned during a group chat and left Aaron and I only able to see each other’s chat and not the whole group. A month later he flew up to Seattle and accused me of only being after his kidney to sell on the black market. Six months later I moved to San Diego to be with him, and exactly 12 years ago we got married.

I keep meaning to fill the bathtub full of ice for our anniversary and say I’m finally collecting that kidney… but we only have a spa tub and that would take a REALLY large amount of ice to fill, and I’m not really $60 of ice dedicated to the joke. Also I’ve been informed that the kidney anniversary isn’t until later in the marriage. Of course by that point it seems like I’d be buying a kidney on the black market FOR him rather than trying to sell one of his… but whatever. Tradition is important.

Anyway, I think he’s aces and I’m glad he’s on this life journey thing with me.


6 word SF stories

nanowire lasers 

Water on mars? 

Mass whale beaching sign of another earthquake? 

Historical Society gets anonymous letter with original act creating the society.

Not aliens. Someone didn’t wait for microwave to ding near telescope.   (WAIT FOR THE DING PEOPLE!!)

This newt is such a badass we sent it into space. (also apparently newts gestated in space have messed up heads or no heads at all…)

Acetaminophen possibly dulls emotions  ( O_O ) (insert joke here about Apathyaminophen)

The brain’s sarcasm center. 






Day 12 Links

Possible gene therapy for colorblindness 

Ed Zitron, How I work  (I am a complete sucker for this feature. I love finding out how people work. Sometimes you find interesting things to try or other times you find absolutely nothing of use for you, but you feel better about your own methods)

Missing Part of Enola Gay found  I love that the provenance of the item was kept in the family so they can possibly return it. And yes, people taking stuff they didn’t want to get lost is how a lot of items like this are “saved”. Sometimes that’s a boon and sometimes it’s not.

Message in a Bottle – How To  the part about it being a dark glass bottle is something I never thought about.

Man Cooks Year of Food For Wife  This story just really touched me. So much love in so much food. 😀